Saturday, March 10, 2018


As I attempt to think of different ideas and concepts for my film trailer, I begin to notice a problem. Every thought that comes up gets stump by an equally strong counter-argument. It doesn't help that there are only a few film trailers that I can derive inspiration from. Our teacher warned us that a film trailer was hard, but I didn't expect everyone to have taken it completely off their radar. It seems I have a lot of research ahead of me. The best idea is to probably start off by getting myself accustomed to the techniques used in the making of trailers. This includes the type of shots, the overall time of the trailer, but what I think is most important, the editing used in the trailer as well as the music. Just from the handful of videos I've seen about Trailer creation, editing and music seem to be the driving force. These two categories can make or break your trailer. I will definitely be taking this into account throughout the post-production phase. Let me stop before I get ahead of myself, as I'm not even sure what my trailer is going to be about. I will hopefully have some more information on the route that I'll choose to take.

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